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jeudi 27 mars 2008

Ancien rivaux a Microsoft

CategoryMicrosoft Product(s)Alternative(s)
KMFMS Recommends
Desktop Operating SystemWindows
Linux, MacOS, BeOS, and many, many moreRed Hat Linux

Web BrowserInternet Explorer
Netscape Navigator, Opera, Mozilla, HotJava, Lynx, Netpositive, iCab, and many, many moreNetscape Navigator

Office SuiteMicrosoft Office
Corel Office, StarOffice, Lotus Smart Suite, Appleworks, KOffice, GNOME Workshop, OpenOfficeOpenOffice

Email ClientOutlook
Netscape Mail, Pine, Eudora, and many, many moreNetscape Mail

Web Based EmailHotmail
Yahoo! Mail, Hushmail, KMFMS EmailYahoo! Mail

Server Operating SystemWindows
BSD, Linux, MacOSX, Solaris, and many, many moreOpenBSD, Linux

Web Server IIS,
FrontpageApache, Enhydra, Zeus, and many, many moreApache with PHP for most sites, Enhydra for highly dynamic sites

Game ConsoleXbox
Sony Playstation, Nintendo Game Cube

Internet Service Provider (ISP)
MSNAOL, Earthlink, Speakeasy, and many, many moreWithin the USA: Earthlink for dial-up, Speakeasy for broadband

Email Server Exchange
Sendmail, Qmail, Exim, Steltor's Outlook Connector

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